Welcome to the John Stott Memorial Birding Day

10th May 2025 #johnstottbirding

About the Day

On 10 May 2025, teams around the world will take part in the John Stott memorial birding day organised by A Rocha to commemorate and celebrate our great friend and supporter John Stott’s legacy as a theologian, pastor and birdwatcher.
Get involved by:

    1. Competing in the bird race
    2. Using our resource to have a bird-themed spiritual retreat
    3. Entering our photography competition
    4. Sharing your stories on the day in our Facebook group
Ringing in bird hide at Kuzuko Lodge20210509DSC_6321

2021 Winner – Best picture of human/bird interaction
Mike Bridgeford

The Bird Race

We are partnering with eBird’s Global Big Day. Taking part is easy! Follow the four steps below:

Teams can be up to six people and you must be able to see each other at all times. Submit multiple checklist for all locations you are birding, the trip report will summarize the total number of species. In the spirit of the event, please minimize your carbon output or consider off-setting with Climate Stewards.

Species must be seen within a 24hr period on 11 May, but data entered until 19 May will be counted. We will be working together as the John Stott Birding Day with the aim of seeing 2000 species globally – the total on John Stott’s life list.

On the day, the data logged will appear in near real-time so you can see your ranking.

The Photo Contest

Here are the 2024 Winners! 


The Retreat

If a day simply birding doesn’t appeal, use 11 May as an opportunity to take some time out with God and learn more about him from the birds our teachers, as the title of one of John’s books called them.

We’ve put together some readings, prayers and reflections drawn from John’s writings, and invite you to head outside alone or with a small group of friends to open your life to the presence of God through the beauty of all he has made.

The Man

John Stott was at the forefront of bringing creation care to the attention of the global Church. He cared deeply for the plight of the planet because he was hardwired with a love of nature in general and of birds in particular. But he was also someone who listened carefully to the Bible and he heard within it God’s great love and concern for all he had made, as well as for people.


The Organizers

The John Stott memorial birding day is brought to you by A Rocha, a family of organizations around the world working in community-based nature conservation. Founded in 1983, we believe the care of creation belongs at the heart of our calling as followers of Christ. John Stott was a generous and encouraging friend to A Rocha from its earliest days; his influence continues to be felt in our culture, theology and values today.

To find out more about A Rocha, please visit arocha.org

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